The Parker Rotary Club was officially inaugurated on April 22, 1957 in Parker, Arizona.


Since the club was formed, the Parker Rotary Club has taken a pro-active role in the community of Parker, providing hundreds of students with academic and vocational scholarships as well as participating in and donating to numerous local and international projects.  The Parker Rotary Club raises scholarship funds and funding for local projects through several annual events, including the Buckskin Mountain Desert Dash, the Rotary Scholarship Dinner (“RZR Dinner”) and more. 


Parker Rotary Club members live by the motto “Service Above Self” in their continuing effort to make the community of Parker, Arizona a better place to live!

Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
International Service
Club Foundation Chair
Past President
Membership Chair
Club Administration
Interact Chair
2 year Director
1 year Director
Sgt. At Arms
4 year Director
5 year Director
3 year Director
Scholarship Committee Chair
Foreign Exchange Counselor
Highway Clean Up Chairman
Community Garden
Senior Tree Chairman
Christmas Party Chairman
Social Media
Storage Chairman
Educator of the Year Co-Chairman
Desert Dash Chairman
Off Road Race Support Co-Chairman
PAACE Family Fun Day
Educator of the Year Co-Chairman
Rifle Raffle Chairman
SXS Scholarship Dinner Chairman
50/50 Chairman
Off Road Race Support Co-Chairman
SXS Ticket Chairman
Trunk & Treat
Welcome to our club!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
BPO Parker Elks #1929
716 S. Laguna Ave
Parker, AZ 85344
United States of America